Methane More Harmful Than CO2

we all know that ,when it comes to

sources of methane emissions , livestock

plays a major role. but did you know that

combined methane emissions from just 15

meat and dairy companies,  is equal to

more than 80 percent of the eu’s methane

footprint. our latest study says that, 15

of the world’s largest Dairy companies

produce more methane than Russia . which

is one of the top producers of methane.

the analysis by, The Institute for

agriculture and trade policy ,and

changing markets Foundation fund that,

emissions by the company’s five meat and

10 Dairy corporations alone account for

11.1 percent of the world’s livestock

related methane emissions .

the new

findings are a cause of concern, that’s

because methane expelled by cows and

their manure is far more potent than

carbon dioxide .why it is, because methane

is proven to trap heat 80 times more

effectively and what’s more concerning

is that ,the results were based off

public records . researchers have cited

the lack of transparency by the

companies making it difficult to

accurately measure greenhouse gas


the report also revealed that if the 15

companies which are currently based in

10 different countries were to be

treated as a single country, it would be

the 10th largest greenhouse gas emitting

entity in the world. outpacing the

emission rates of some of the biggest

oil producing companies.

and as some countries like the US resort

to offering a voluntary incentives to

Farmers and companies, for reducing the

greenhouse gases instead of regulating

Farm methane emissions. experts claim

that that change is unlikely unless

emissions are firmly regulated.



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