As temperatures drop and snow continues
to pile up during the winter season,
humans may be up and playing in snow. but
do you know, many other mammals tend to
hibernate at this time.
however warm and shorter Winters are
causing some species to sleep later or
not at all.
hibernation is a complicated process , it
is governed by different conditions
across plant and animal species . moreover
it is a way for many creatures from
butterflies to Bears to survive the cold,
dark Winters without having to forage
for food or migrate to somewhere warmer.
instead they turn down
their metabolism to save energy.
for example some trees take their cues
to grow leaves and fruits by day length.
whereas others do so based on the
so under historic conditions these cues
line up in predictable ways.
but with the changing of the climate,
species cannot rely on these seasonal
patterns , and with the constant change in
weather patterns , it’s becoming more
difficult for animals and insects to
hibernate. that might have a
negative consequence on the complex Web
of Life that we call biodiversity.