Meanwhile the large dams across the
world reportedly are losing their water
storage capacity . according to the United
Nations the dams which are about 15
meters or higher, could lose almost about
a quarter of their capacity by 2050.
there are around 50 000 large dams in
150 countries, which together risk their
water holding capacity being reduced by
almost about 6 trillion cubic meters, to
four and a half trillion cubic meters by
the middle of the century.
that this impending catastrophe would
create a huge shortage of water
Supplied for millions of people around
the world.
now amongst the countries which are
staring at the most amount of loss in
storage capacity of their dams ,are the
United States, China, India and even
the reason according to the United
Nations study behind the decline in
storage capacity of dams is
sedimentation. it is the materials that
is rocks, mud or sand brought in by the
rivers which gets deposited at the
bottom of the dam . where the flow of the
river is halted, leaving less space for
the water to be stored. the extreme
weather events it is intense rain of
flooding also play a major part of the
increased amount of sediments in the
river. it can also cause damage to
hydroelectric turbines and cut power
generation as well.
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