Time To Cut Scope 3 Emissions | Climate Change

While Rising carbon emissions and

greenhouse gases are the major reason

for climate crisis . there are three more

reasons which are not given enough

attention , and are heavily contributing

to the significant climate change . while

scientists are on the way working to

reach the global 1.5 degrees Celsius

threshold. the real taste lies in our

ability to cut scope 3 emissions.

now let’s get to know what scope 3

emissions are , the term first appeared in

the greenhouse gas protocol of 2001, and

today’s Scopes are the basis for

mandatory greenhouse gas reporting . in

the United Kingdom.,.if you’re hearing

about scope one two and three emissions

for the first time . it’s highly unlikely

that it will be the last . now the term

scope is divided into three categories

of emissions scope one are the emissions

that cover the ghg emissions , that a

company produces directly. for example

producing ghd gases while running

boilers or Vehicles emissions , which are

produced indirectly like while producing

electricity or energy. it buys for

heating and cooling buildings are scoped

two emissions , and lastly the most tricky

ones are scope 3 emissions .

now these

emissions are not only associated with

the company itself but also the

organization , which is directly

responsible for the ups and downs in

their value chain. taking for instance,

company buying external products from

its suppliers and from its products when

customers use them , out of all the three

emissions scope 3 is nearly always the

big one . while our goal is to reduce ghg

emissions per consumer use of our

products by 2030. the United Nations in

turn also warns that the world’s ghg

emissions are still said to be 10

percent higher in 2030, in comparison to

  1. while scope 1 and 2 are mostly

within the organization’s control, what

dominates the most are scope 3 emissions.

which are directly accountable for more

than 70 percent of a business’s carbon


unfortunately because they contribute

the most , these aren’t generally reported

on environmental social and governance

reports, because of which it is creating

difficulties to reach the desired

climate Target.

committing to reach Net Zero , while

tackling the scope 3 emissions several

companies are now addressing the issue,

and also contributing to map emissions

footprint by scale . although for many

companies most of their ghg emissions

and cost reduction opportunities lie

outside their own operations. in such an

environment of co-creation businesses

are now planning to work together to

identify improvements in Supply Chain

management , cost reductions, new and

Innovative products and services.

this then helps consumers to distinguish

genuine industry Visionaries and

disruptors from the broader industry

pack. as we do not have a lot of time in

our hands, many major industry players

have already started to make serious

decisions , around how they will pivot to

deal with and benefit from scope 3

emissions planning , because the strategic

planning process will be the key to

assess . where a business sits relative to

its peers and how innovators can move

quickly to take the lead ,and prosper

from the seismic shift in Emissions


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