Brutal Drought In Argentina | Climate Change

Argentina is facing one of its worst

droughts in recent years . the dry

conditions in the South American nation

is now impacting the livelihood of

farmers . according to the Rosario Stock

Exchange at Argentina has lost half of

its seasonal soybean harvest in the main

production area the central region of

the country. the worst affected of them

being in Cordoba, Buenos Aires and Santa


Farmers said that,

it hasn’t rained for several months , we

have a very large deficit of many

millimeters. we lost practically all the

winter crops , we lost the body crops , we

lost the wheat , we lost the legumes that

are shown in Winter such as veg and well

all the summer crops ,soya, corn, sorghum

and sunflower was sown much later than

they are normally sown.

Argentina is the world’s largest

producer of soybean oil and flour , and

three successive years of drought have

raised beers in the country , that this

year’s Harvest particularly of soybeans

will be significantly reduced. striking a

blow to the South American country’s

exports and its domestic supplies.

the region will feel the impact of

losing their profitability from

agriculture next year . Farmers said, this year we are

still okay because we have the profits

of last year, despite not having been

great, it wasn’t bad either the truth is

that for the region next year is going

to be very hard

if it doesn’t rain , a lot between March

and April . we will have a food problem in

the country and that will be unique and


moreover a new report by The Institute,

that tracks droughts says that around 54

percent of the country was suffering

from some lack of moisture, with 14 hit

by severe drought and nine percent by

extreme or exceptional drought. the

problems for Farmers don’t just end here,

in the province of Santa Fe. the constant

drought has decimated the cattle as well

authorities estimate that some 3 000

cows have died in The Province . according

to a report from the Rosario stock

exchange some 26 million cows are at

risk half of the national total.

the consequence of the lack of rain , high

temperatures and lack of humidity is

recurring fires in the province of Santa

Fe , firefighters fought a Bushfire on

Tuesday that affected crop fields.

but older Farmers than me have never

seen something like this , the damage will

make us have immense delays in sowing

crops. it’s a delay out of the ordinary

and a poor condition of the crop.

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