Organic Waste Gets A Second Life | Climate Change

Now Spanish biotechnology company when

biotech is giving organic waste a second

lease of Life. the company is using

bacteria to produce bioplastic, and the

company says they are capable of

processing the waste at its source, by

using a specific type of bacteria, to

create volatile fatty acids. they are

then used in a bioreactor to produce


what we do is to take organic waste from

Agri food companies, and we prepare these

organic waste for a very special

bacteria . these bacteria have the ability

to eat the organic waste, and at the same

time to produce this biodegrave or

bioplastic for them for the bacteria.

this will be available bioplastic is

like an energy Reserve. so we optimize

and select the best bacteria that are

able to eat the bioplast by eat the

organic waste and produce these via the

wave of bioplasmic.

through an extraction and purification

process the bioplastic is ready to be

used in medical and technological

applications as well.

we can formulate our bioplastics to have

different applications, rigid

applications ,flexible applications and

the most important ones biomedical

applications because it’s biocompatible.

that means that if I put that way

plastic inside your body, you won’t do a

rejection so that’s really important.

the company uses eggshell sea oysters or

potato powder to achieve the desired

strength , stiffness and flexibility of

the bioplastic. the bioplastic can be

printed using a 3D printer to shape the

final product.

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