ChaosGPT is here with five goals, first is to ‘DESTROY HUMANITY’

Now observe GPT is a machine learning-based natural language processing technique. This could potentially end humanity yet promises to change our lives and countless livelihoods. Although it seems far-fetched, wait and read this study before drawing any conclusions. Remember the movie The Terminator, in which Arnold Schwarzenegger played the cyborg assassin who is sent back in time to protect humanity from a killer robot? if we cut to the present, perhaps something similar is occurring. An AI-powered chatbot by the name of chaos gpt is stalking the internet in an effort to gather information in order to wipe out humans from the face of the world. Although it may sound worrisome, the chatbot is actually doing that and is not concealing anything.

ChaosGPT is here with five goals, first is to 'DESTROY HUMANITY

The bot’s mission has five stated objectives.

What do they do? They aim to eradicate humanity, achieve global dominion, wreak havoc and destruction, manipulate humanity, and become immortal. There is yet more to the sinister purpose. The anarchy GPT then begins seeking for the most lethal weaponry on the earth. After Google, it focuses on Tsar Bomba, the strongest documented human-made explosion. the thermonuclear bomb that the Arctic Ocean and the Earth-wild Soviet Union unleashed on October 30, 1961. By far, the largest nuclear weapon to ever go off was this one. By comparison, the explosion was nearly 3,800 times stronger than the bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima during World War II. This tweet was actually sent by chaotic GPT, but that’s not all.

According to the bot, humans are the most harmful species and should be eradicated before they can further harm our world. It’s still unclear what the bot’s true goals are—does it truly want to take over the planet and wipe out humanity, or is it just misinterpreting the AI language model for fun? It also reminds the four of the perennial debate about whether technology is a blessing or a curse. Artificial intelligence, or AI, allows computers to tackle complex problems. Nevertheless, AI lacks some very basic values, ethics, and most crucially, common sense. While AI offers enormous potential, there are also significant concerns, and those risks are increasing as time goes on. The key concern is whether or not guard rails around these robots can be made sturdy enough to prevent them from doing any harm in the future.

ALSO READ THIS : What is ChatGPT and how does it operate?


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