Climate Change – EU’S Surprise Proposal @ COP27

climate talks appeared stalled on major

issues late night on Thursday, at the cop

27 climate Summit in Egypt with

possibilities for a deal were renewed by

a surprise offer from the European Union.

eu’s proposals came on two of the

thorniest issues, tying compensation for

climate disasters . to tougher emission

Cuts minutes after the United Nations

Summit chairman warned delegates that,

they were not where they needed to be. in

order to close the conference with

tangible and robust outcomes , they use

top climate officials made a surprise


to Applause. he proposed a two-pronged

approach ,the proposal would create a

pool of money for poorer countries, in

exchange for a pledge to phase out goal

 oil , gas and coal. European Union vice

president and climate Chief France Tim a

month later explained that, you know if

they’re opposing the fund focused on the

most valuable ,and funded by all those

who can Master the funds . during the meet

he said the issues of compensation and

emission cuts are two sides of the same

coin . as far as the European Union is

concerned making it clear that, the 27

Nation block will not offer more money

unless there are concessions on emission

targets . the announcement came shortly

after poorer countries that bear the

brunt of climate change stepped up the

urgency . the accused richer polluters are

stalling and said they cannot wait

another day , of the creation of a fund to

pay for damages. Antigua and Barbuda

expressed disappointment over the slow

progress of the loss and damage fund at

The Summit.

it’s the agenda item that many parties

on both sides have stated is the

defining issue for cop 27. we have been

waiting for two weeks for text on

funding arrangements for loss and damage.

we’re not sending the right signal to

the world . a world that is watching and

that’s waiting with us so we asked Mr

President where is the text.

as the summit comes to an end UN Chief

Antonio guterres has urged countries to

Stand and Deliver ,while pressing for the

meat for an agreement.

I’m here to appeal 12 parties to rise to

this moment and to the greatest

challenge that humanity is facing.

the world is watching and there’s a

simple message to all of us, Stand and


the kind of meaningful climate action.

that people and planets so desperately



the issue of loss and damage is one of

three financial aid, Bots discussed .Rich

Nations agreed in past conferences to

spend 100 billion US dollars a year to

help poorer countries . develop cleaner

energy systems and adapt to prevent

future disasters . they have however

not delivered as far as offering funds

is concerned.



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