Demise Of Utah’s Great Salt Lake | Climate Change

The Great Salt lake in the United States

of America is now facing an

unprecedented danger, as it has fallen to

an alarmingly low level amidst a climate

change fuel changing weather pattern. if

nothing is done to immediately conserve

water in Utah, then scientists in the

United States say that the Great Salt

Lake as we know it could potentially

disappear in as little as the next five

years . at this point to reverse the

decline enough water to cover more than

2.5 million acres of land, a foot deep of

water needs to flow back into the lake

each year , and to put that in perspective

a single acre foot contains nearly about

1.2 million liters of water.

today only about 0.1 million Acres a

feet of water is returned to Utah’s

famous Lake each year , and that is not

even close to being enough . since 2020

the lake has lost over one million acre

feet of water annually. to pull the

ecosystem back from the brink

research-led bazaunt is a brilliant

Young University has found water

consumption in the region, must be

reduced by at least about one third

possibly but even as much as a half.

the recent research I’ve ever suggested

that the ecosystem is reaching a

dangerous Tipping Point , as millions of

liters of water are being diverted from

the lake annually.

salinity levels have begun to increase

concentrations of salt enough so high,

flora and fauna are also struggling to

survive it is a lake bed begins to dry

out it is at risk of releasing embedded

arsenic Mercury, lead ,copper organic

contaminants and cyanotoxins into the

air via dust particles. the dust release

from the drying Lake can also damage

crops ,degrade salts and can also cause

prematures no melt . unfortunately there’s

not much that the average water consumer

in Utah can actually do to help . they can

remove their sprinklers avoid water

gasoline plants in their garden and

advocate for better environmental

policies at a state and federal level.

but the water that they use in their

house is almost always treated and

reused . water diverted from the Great

Salt Lake and its catchment area which

spans some 23 million acres is mostly

used for industrial agriculture.

three quarters of the consumptive water

use from the Lake’s Watershed currently

goes into irrigating crops , with mineral

extraction sucking up another nine

percent . reducing Farmers Reliance on

irrigation is the best and possibly the

only way to save the lake . but that will

require systematic political and

societal changes to Utah and the

surrounding states.

urgent measures need to be taken to save

the Great Salt Lake as it not only

Harbors important flora and fauna , it

also protects air quality , it removes

water pollution and moderates local

weather like snowball in the nearby


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