Israeli Prime Minister YAIR LAPID derived in Germany

Israeli Prime Minister YAIR LAPID derived in Germany On Sunday and this comes as part of his latest diplomatic effort.  To persuade Western powers to forego their nuclear deal with Iran. Now the nuclear deal has been stagnant since former U.S president Donald Trump Donald Trump withdrew in 2018. he also imposed more sanctions on Iran and there have been efforts to restore the agreement since 2021.However last month’s effort at restoration had been slowed down. After Germany France and Britain raised concerns about Iran’s sincerity in restoring the deal . now prior to his visit lapid had thanked the three countries for the strong position on this matter and Israeli official also said, they did not expect a deal a renewal before November.

 Germany, France and Britain said that Iran was escalating its nuclear program Beyond justification. meanwhile Iran slammed the commons called them unconstructive. lipid is scheduled to me Chancellor Olaf shows along with foreign minister and president before returning to Israel later today . now Israel has been opposed to the Revival of the 2015 Accord the Iran nuclear deal was signed in a 2015 by Iran and several world powers including the United States the United Kingdom. Russia, France, China and Germany and also the European Union. according to this framework Iran would redesign and reduce its nuclear facilities.

 they will also accept the additional protocol in orde rto lift related economic sanctions. This would free up billions of dollars in oil revenue and frozen assets. Israel feels that Iran would use revenue from sanctions. relief to bolster Allied groups capable of attacking Israel. Now last month the European Union put forward a fun draft of disagreement. The union acts as the mediator of the nuclear talks Iran and the United States ,then took turns to respond to this text . however Washington said that tehran’sreply was a step backwards.


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