Poaching Threatens Turtles Species

snakes , Turtles ,spiders having a

domesticated exotic pet has become more

of a trend now. but as we see a rise in

demand for such rare pets . experts are

warning of an uptick in poaching.

especially , when it comes to Turtles.

Wildlife trade experts believe that

poaching driven by growing demand for

pets in the US ,Asia ,and Europe is

contributing to the global decline of

rare freshwater turtle and tortoise


swimming in a plastic tub in a dimly lit

room , a small turtle hatchling is causing

concern among conservationists around

the world. the reason is simple , the spike

in Turtle poaching.

total portrait to meet the rising

demands of the species . as pets has

pushed more than half of the nearly 300

living turtle and tortoise species

closer to Extinction.

freshwater turtles make up some of the

most trafficked animals globally .the

demand exists due to a variety of

reasons ,consumers wanting them as pets,

commercial breeding ,consumption as food,

for medication ,and for the popularity of

their colorful shelves.

the condition has become so

bad that, the 184 Nation convention on

international trade in endangered

species of wild fauna and Flora ,which is

meeting in Panama from the 11th to the

25th of November.

November has seen a proposal that would

ban or limit the commercial trade in

more than 20 more turtle species.

the black market Turtle sales in the

US, Europe and Asia have led to

increased levels of poaching. and those

are precise figures on the total trade.

especially illegal trade can be hard to

find. Turtle populations are taking a

major hit and with the hike in demand

according to report, thousands of turtles

leaving the US on an annual basis.

reports confirming that the poaching

trade was previously concentrated in

Southeast Asia .but after many species

decline the activity grew in Africa and

is now headed towards America.



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