let’s move on now reducing nitrogen from
Global agricultural lands is an urgently
needed reform , alternating crops by
optimizing use of nitrogen can help
yield huge environmental and health
benefits . the reduction of nitrogen from
crop fields in particular will also help
in boosting food production. calling it a
Grand Challenge the international
researchers in a study say that , the
Intensive use of chemical fertilizers
will help fuel the four-fold expansion
of the human population over the last
century . continuous seeping of nitrogen
to soil and air leads to deadly
pollution , soil acidification, climate
change ,ozone depletion and heavy
biodiversity loss . for the survival of
all life on Earth especially plants the
use of nitrogen is a must.
nearly 80 percent of the Earth’s
atmosphere is nitrogen but over a period
of time, the nitrogen cycle has been
massively affected by the use of some
120 million tons of chemical fertilizers
each year.
according to researchers less than half
of that input is actually absorbed by
plants , with the rest seeping into the
environment and causing a constellation
of problems . to decrease nitrogen losses
while still enhancing crop yield
researchers suggest that one opt for
crop rotation. where a variety of crops
are planted on the same plot of land
optimizing the flow of nutrients.
to initiate The Virtuous cycle of
financial budget could be secured by
taxing food consumers or Enterprises
that use farming for commercial food
production, or by taxing polluting
activities and products.
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